Misty Mountain Pet Sitting Logo Small.png

We believe in fairness, so we charge by time spent. We don't charge extra for additional dogs, high energy puppies, or medications like some companies. We also include mail pick up, light rotations, and plant watering in all pet sitting! These rates are applicable for all pet sitting, dog walking, and mid day visits. Please note that dog training and overnight visits have a different fee schedule.

30 minutes - $25 dollars
60 minutes - $35

Holiday Fees: $10 Additional Per Visit

Overnight Pet Sitting:

This is for our rare special needs animals that need a sitter to stay with them all night. This is for 12hours of pet sitting, from 9pm-9am.

$80 per overnight

Dog Training:

Please understand that dog training is much more intensive than just pet sitting. We will be training not only your pet but you as well!

30 minutes - $25
60 minutes - $40

Driving Fees:

We spend an awful lot of time driving to get to our wonderful pets. If a job takes us too far off from our routine we incur extra mileage costs and schedule disruptions. For this reason a driving fee may apply on top of the usual rates if you are too far from us. Please note we are based in Linden, Va

Visits 15 minutes away and under are standard rate
16 - 20 minutes away - $5 extra per visit
21 - 30 minutes away - $8 extra per visit